Common Myths about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is shrouded in mystery for many people. With such a fancy and intellectual sounding name, many people assume it’s very complex. However, NLP is actually a fairly simple, yet broad, method for self-improvement and habit change. However, if you do even a little bit of research about NLP you will quickly learn that there are extremely positive and far-reaching claims as to what it can help you do. Some people say it can help you overcome any phobia or change any habit. Some say that it is the key to becoming wealthy. Others make even more outlandish claims. What can NLP actually do? What are the most common myths behind this seemingly mysterious practice?

1.Can anyone really do anything, as NLP presupposition suggests?

NLP presuppositions are beliefs or assumptions about the world. They may seem to suggest that anybody can do anything. Obviously, that isn’t the case. I’m never going to play center in the NBA regardless of how much I believe that can happen. I don’t have the genes, life circumstances, or raw skill to fulfill that dream. However, NLP strategies can make me a better basketball player than I would be otherwise. Some limitations we will always have to accept, even if we don’t want to. However, that shouldn’t stop us from trying to be the best that we can physically be.

2.Can I gain “instant rapport” with anyone using NLP?

Gaining rapport with someone is one of the primary drawing points that many NLP practitioners use. Having or creating strong rapport with someone is especially appealing to salesman and managers of all kinds. However, it’s impossible to gain instant rapport with everyone you meet. There will always be people you can’t build rapport with because they don’t want to build rapport with you. NLP techniques can’t make anybody do what they don’t want to do. NLP may make it more likely that you will gain rapport to those who are open to it, but don’t expect to become best friends with everyone you come in contact with.

3.Will NLP help me cure my worst psychological or behavioral problem?

Probably not. NLP is just one option for improving psychological issues but it is not a magical cure-all. Traditional psychological therapy is popular for a reason — it tends to be effective! NLP can be effective too, but curing serious psychological issues is not generally its forte. Many NLP practitioners suffer from their own psychological issues. NLP can help you set your life up for success but it can’t magically fix serious issues.

4.Does NLP give you good character?

NLP does not develop or hone anyone’s character. Character is formulated by your values, beliefs, and how you have grown up. NLP can help you develop your communication skills but it will not give you character. Any NLP trainer that tries to argue that is seriously lacking in his or her own character!

5.Is NLP the most effective therapy?

There is no way to tell what the most effective therapy is. Every patient, every situation, and every need is completely different. One therapy may be very helpful for one person and completely useless for another. Many people find success with NLP and others are not as lucky. The best therapy will always depend on a slew of factors that cannot be controlled.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming can be a very powerful system of self-improvement and habit change if it is approached with an open mind. A skilled NLP trainer can help you implement various exercises and techniques that can improve your life in many ways. However, like anything else, NLP is not a magical pill that will make all your problems go away. A critical, yet open mind, is required with all psychological therapy.


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