How to get rid of an acne cyst

Acne cysts are one of the more severe types of acne legions that appear when someone has acne vulgaris. An acne cyst is similar to an acne nodule, but instead of being completely hard, an acne cyst is filled with pus. Acne cysts can be rather large and painful, as the pus-filled sac is often sore to the touch. It is normally recommended that you leave acne cysts alone and allow them to heal naturally because popping an acne cyst can result in infection, more painful inflammation and scarring. If an acne cyst is persistent and does not heal on its own, dermatologists can administer a cortisone shot to lessen swelling and prevent scarring.

At home, there are several ways that you can get rid of an acne cyst. As stated, however, be sure that while you are doing so that you are being very clean and sterile so as not to promote further infection and inflammation. To get rid of an acne cyst, you will first begin by washing your entire face with a gentle, oil-free cleanser. These types of cleansers can be found at drug stores and grocery stores and are fairly affordable. Do not use exfoliators or harsh scrubs or masks on your face while dealing with acne cysts, as these products will only further irritate the cysts. After you have washed your face, dry your face completely with a clean town, and then swab your face with a cotton ball soaked with toner. After the toner dries, cover your face with a thin layer of oil-free moisturizer.

Use a spot treatment method with acne cysts by applying a small amount of benzoyl peroxide directly on the cyst. The benzoyl peroxide will dry out the cyst and hopefully reduce the size of the cyst. This method can be used overnight. During the day, you can either apply benzoyl peroxide again (being careful to limit sun exposure), or make a mixture of crushed aspirin and water to apply to the acne cyst. The aspirin will reduce swelling.

Another tip for getting rid of acne cysts is to not wear make-up on the cysts. Make-up will clog the pores even further and possibly cause an infection. You should also be sure to consume plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin nourished, purify your body and skin, and flush out toxins. You may also want to try taking vitamins that are known to help treat acne and promote healthy and clear skin.

While showering, allow the steam from a hot shower to open up your pores. Apply a hot washcloth over the area affected by acne cysts to promote the opening of the pores even further. Keeping a hot washcloth on an acne cyst for an extended period of time allows the pores to really open up and the fluid from the acne cyst to drain. A hot washcloth will also alleviate some of the pain that results from an acne cyst.

If acne cysts persist for more than a week, you may want to consider seeing a dermatologist who can give you a cortisone shot. The cortisone will shrink the cyst, reducing its size and the level of pain.


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