How to Write Effective Conversational Hypnosis Scripts

Conversational hypnosis, also known as covert hypnosis, is a form of hypnosis that takes place during seemingly regular conversations. Conversational hypnosis allows one person to connect with the subconscious of another person to influence thoughts, actions, feelings or behaviors. Conversational hypnosis involves pre-selected words, body language, gestures, and facial expressions to communicate with another person’s subconscious mind. The desired result is not a direct influence, but rather subtle suggestions that ultimately lead to the other person making their own decision to change their thoughts, behaviors, feelings or actions.

Conversational hypnosis, or covert hypnosis, is attempted by a talker that is trying to induce a near hypnotic state on a listener. The listener is not aware that the talker is doing this because the talker is using covert tactics in speaking and gesturing. When done correctly, conversational hypnosis seems like any normal conversation. This form of hypnosis is similar to indirect hypnosis. One of the most effective ways to learn and use conversational hypnosis is by writing and memorizing conversational hypnosis scripts. A conversational hypnosis script will allow you to easily enter into conversational hypnosis with someone with less effort than attempting to do so on your own merits without practice and preparation.

To write effective conversational hypnosis scripts, you must first understand what conversational hypnosis is and what key phrases and key words generally work for influencing others. You must first develop the behavioral skills and knowledge about conversational hypnosis in order for your conversational hypnosis scripts to be effective. Once you have those factors under control, you can begin to write effective conversational hypnosis scripts.

Start your script with the idea in mind that the script will be relaxed and simple, making it natural for you to use and easy for you to remember. The key to an effective conversational hypnosis script is that it is just that, conversational. The person you are speaking with should have no idea that you are employing a conversational hypnosis script while talking with them. A conversational hypnosis script should also be very believable, with the suggestions and commands that are implanted being feasible and understandable without a great stretch of the imagination.

A conversational hypnosis script will paint a picture in the mind of the person you are trying to connect with using conversational hypnosis. The words you choose are very important and will contribute to the overall success of the conversation. Create an ideal visual in the mind of the person you are talking with using imagery and powerful words that evoke a strong mental image. The visual can involve descriptive words, metaphors, and imbedded commands. For example, if you want a colleague to go along with an idea of yours, you can describe a situation in casual conversation that paints a picture of that idea that is pleasurable, uses only positive words, and has suggestions that are made in the present tense.

Positive conversational hypnosis scripts elicit a much better response than hypnosis scripts that contain negative words like “not” and “don’t,” so it is important that you make sure your hypnosis script is positive, pleasurable and contains suggestions written in the present tense. Also remember to be somewhat repetitive with your metaphors or commands, as it may take a few times hearing the commands for the other person’s subconscious mind to clue into what you are saying and interpret the conversation. Above all, it is most important that your conversational hypnosis script retain a relaxed and positive feel so that the person does not suspect you are employing any hypnosis techniques while you are speaking.


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