Having a panic attack can be one of the most frightening, unsettling ordeals someone has ever experienced. With physical symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, to heart palpitations, to dizziness and fainting, it is highly recommended that you seek medical care for panic attacks. There are a number of medications that can be used to treat serious panic disorders. This article will give a few suggestions for relaxation techniques that can help preemptively ward off panic attacks and the anxiety that is often related to having panic attacks.

One of the most important relaxation techniques a person prone to panic attacks should learn to master is proper breathing techniques. Yoga breathing techniques or Pranayama breathing exercises are a useful tool for combating panic attacks. Pranayama is one of the Five Principals of Yoga and focuses on perfecting the action of breathing. When we breathe on a day-to-day basis our breaths are often short and shallow, and we rarely use our whole lung capacity. Pranayama breathing exercises focus on achieving the perfect balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, creating a relaxing, controlled sensation. Mastering the art of deep breathing, even if it not necessarily in the context of yoga, is an important tool someone who experiences panic attacks can use to combat the symptoms. One of the worst symptoms of a panic attack is the extreme disruption to the breathing, whether the individual is hyperventilating or experiencing shortness of breath. Learning how to be in control of your lungs can help you overcome such symptoms.

Another similar learned activity that might help to relive the symptoms of a panic attack is using progressive muscle relaxation or getting massages on a regular basis. Progressive muscle relaxation is the process of literally sitting back and tensing, then un-tensing each of the muscles in your body. The awareness and focus on each individual muscle helps to promote the relaxation process. Like progressive muscle relaxation, getting a massage is one way to help keep yourself physically relaxed. Many people also find exercise to be an excellent method for reducing stress, whether it is yoga, running, swimming or any other activity.

Another simple tip for keeping your physical body in top condition is to get enough rest and relaxation each day. All sorts of physical and mental problems can occur if your body is sleep deprived and excessive worry or panic might even result from feeling over-tired. Though the factors causing panic attacks are often mental in origin, it is the physical side effects that really make them quite scary.
Surrounding yourself with relaxing pictures or posters and even using soothing, relaxing colors such as blues, greens, and pastels to decorate can help to make your setting relaxing.

There are countless sound-related outlets for individuals who suffer from panic attacks to employ, including music for relaxation or other soundscapes. Relaxation CDs are an extremely popular relaxation technique for someone suffering from panic attacks. A relaxation CD can be songs from your favorite band, mellow instrumental songs, sounds from the natural world, or even a guided relaxation CD. Narrated, guided relaxation scripts are highly effective at relaxing individuals who suffer from panic attacks. Relaxation scripts take the listeners on guided journeys out of their own mental worlds and into a world that is carefree. These types of relaxation CDs can also help to promote positive self-image and self-esteem.

It is easy to tell a person who is suffers from panic attacks to “just relax.” However, the attacks can be very stressful, troubling, overpowering, and even emotionally scarring. These are just a few tips that can help you to manage the symptoms, in addition to any suggestions or medications prescribed by doctors.


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